Learn more about Mark Parker’s Vision for District 1
Mark Parker has a Vision for the First District that will improve the well-being of Baltimoreans across lines of class, race, ethnicity, language, age, and geography.
A Stabilized, Renewed, and Growing East Baltimore
Over the next ten years, we have a real opportunity to stabilize and renew communities throughout East Baltimore. Organizations and individuals across East Baltimore are already leading efforts to renew our communities, from Ellwood Park to Perkins, from Johnston Square to O’Donnell Heights. Those efforts need sustained, engaged, and well-funded support and leadership from the city and the state in order to build livable communities across this part of the city.

No city has ever thrived—in terms of economics, family wellbeing, public safety, or anything—when entire swaths of the city have been neglected and functionally abandoned.
Now is the time to come alongside engaged and visionary community leaders with the resources and the functional government systems necessary to renovate vacant properties, add new housing, increase homeownership, clear up trash, renew parks, provide for public safety, and strengthen public education.
We will do all of this to advance the health and quality-of-life of our neighbors, to enhance the livability of our communities, and to build the future Baltimore that we want and that
we deserve.
Click any of the priorities below to expand and learn read more about Mark’s plans and experience in each of these key priorities

Access to high-quality and family-supporting jobs is critical for the well-being of city residents; businesses need to have clear pathways and support as they launch and as they expand in our district.
Strong, growing, diverse, and economically dynamic communities are vital for human flourishing and are the building blocks of a healthy city.
The path toward lower and more equitable taxes, and a healthier city where all are able to share broadly in our growth, is stabilizing and renewing our communities. This must be accomplished in a sustainable way.
People in healthy, livable communities need to have a reasonable expectation of safety. Even as we work each day to make our communities safer, our deeper goal for our neighborhoods is peace. Safety and peace are complimentary, but not interchangeable.
Southeast Baltimore has been, is now, and will be a great place to grow up and to raise a family. High quality, accessible, and affordable early childhood education is a critical first step, for all of our young people.